John Deere ‘Girl’

Working in the construction industry  has definitely been a learning experience thus far.

Last week I had the opportunity to test brand new Deere construction equipment. Yep- that’s right- TEST DRIVE! Even better- I was the only intern that got to go (because my manager is SUPER nice!) and yes… all of the other guy interns were incredibly jealous.

In all seriousness- I was slightly nervous for my bout with this rather larger, extremely expensive equipment. After spending two hours in a shed learning about the mechanics of the equipment- we were then thereby “trained” on how to drive them.

So- my team at Deere thought it would be entertaining to see the little intern drive the MASSIVE dump truck.

The only rule was: Don’t drive on the grass. Really- that was the only rule! What did Kate do? I totally accidentally drove on about an INCH of grass. Really- you could hardly even tell!!!  The poor professional driver with me about had a heart attack… eek. I don’t think he’ll let me back on one again….

All in all- it was a great day. Really I had done my civic duty as a Deere intern- and had fully paid attention and tried to wrap my head around the logistics of mechanical equipment- and not majorly damaged myself, others or the machine. 🙂

Guess what… I just found out I get to test drive again in two weeks! Hopefully this one will be “grass” free!

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